following the eponymous show held at kunsthalle st. gallen in 2007, mathieu copeland invites over thirty visual artists to inquire on the relations between choreography and exhibitions. the typesetting of the book participates to this effort by presenting the texts in a responsive modular grid. The result mirrors a dynamic inner architecture and provides a distinct “movement” for each text.

designed with nicolas eigenheer
edited by mathieu copeland and julie pellegrin
co-published by kunsthalle st.gallen and la ferme du buisson
distributed by les presses du réel
Isbn 978-2-84066-682-0


Mathieu Copeland



choreographing exhibitions
choreographing exhibitions
choreographing exhibitions
choreographing exhibitions
choreographing exhibitions
choreographing exhibitions
choreographing exhibitions
choreographing exhibitions
choreographing exhibitions
choreographing exhibitions